Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another attempt to post

Here's something I put together Saturday evening. Unfortunately, the internet connection was intermittent, and after three unsuccessful tries I decided to go to bed. So read this as though you had seen it Saturday evening.


Wow! Overload city! The conference closed about 4:30 this afternoon, ending three heavy days of presentations, lots and lots of Q&A, and many side discussions. Now the question is this: "What do we do next?" The posting Thursday night mentioned a meeting with Adolfo Leon to discuss the CHE program. Here's a photo showing Karen at the left, Suyapa and Arturo across the table, and Adolfo the the right side of the table.

Thinking about what we have learned will need some soak time before we're able to report many specifics. Each of us will have picked up concepts, impressions, and guidelines that need to be shared among our team to consolidate our thoughts. For tonight, I'll just jot some thoughts that struck me as important. Some of them were confirmation of what I had thought previously, and some were new.

One overall bit of advice is that we need to remember we are not in Honduras simply to help Hondurans. We are there to help Hondurans help themselves. We're in Honduras not to lead programs, but to support them. That's a big difference in approach. We're pretty good at deciding what problems they have and how we are going to fix them. The problem is that our fixes might not really be what the Hondurans want or need. A better way is to first ask the Hondurans what things they think would make their lives better, what stands in the way, and whether and how we might work with them to improve their situation. The fixes need to be theirs. We can offer support, but they need to own the solutions. That stands the best chance of imparting a new sense of accomplishment and overcoming a history of powerlessness and hopelessness.

When we can live with the families in their conditions, and work alongside them to help them make their lives better, we will begin to understand the meaning of a mission trips as a vocation rather than a vacation.

Changing the cultural norms of the society won't happen any time soon. The adults generally are firmly entrenched in "the way things have always been." As bad as we might think things are, these folks are survivors. They know how to get by. They have learned to accept things as they are. They know the familiar; they have learned to fear the unfamiliar. So why change?

Education of the children is probably the most promising way to impart a gradual shift of values and behavior. Often that requires that the children first have food so they can think about something other than constant hunger. They also need to be healthy--free of parasites and infections. There won't be quick fixes; we're looking at small improvements occurring over a period of several years, probably with many failures and disappointments as we go along. So we need to be alert for small victories in the lives of the people we work with. Here Karen and Arturo are discussing how we might do that.

The levels of violence, drug use, alcoholism, spousal and child abuse, and homicide have been on the increase in Honduras. Poverty is increasing with the general increase in food costs and other expenses. So hopelessness continues despite many years of intervention by hundreds of organizations who have sent thousands of people in teams to Honduras to help. If we are able to benefit from the partnering we can do through improved communication of recent years, maybe we can learn from each other's successes and failures.

That's a dump of thoughts in my head this evening. By morning maybe they will have taken some shape. Tomorrow we will drive back to Quimistan and begin the rest of our lives. During the week we will do several on-the-ground activities and compare notes to develop a coherent picture of some next steps.

We are hopeful that we'll have internet access there; last week we were not able to establish a connection that was possible with our summer teams. If you don't see entries on the blog, that will be the reason.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Greetings from Ninth Conference on Honduras

We're late checking in, but finally we're on the blog.

Sam and Roxanne arrived in Quimistan Monday afternoon and immediately proceeded through a whirlwind list of TO-DO items---some personal, some representing the Foundation. For example they visited Sra. Umanzor to thank her for the support she gave us this summer by providing us the use of her kindergarten for the eye clinic. They also visited with the Quimistan directors of the Quimistan Valley Scholar program, discussing the protocol we will use to provide the matching funds as they receive local funds from the community.

One unpleasant surprise was to find that the teachers across the country are on strike because they have not been paid in the last six months.

Karen and Allen arrived on Wednesday, and the four of us with Arturo and Suyapa all drove to Copan to participate in the Ninth Conference on Honduras. The overall theme of this three-day conference is "Building Gobal Partnerships" . . . the idea being that if groups and individuals working to help Honduras learn to work together closely, coordinate, and share information and ideas, then many of the solutions to core development problems and issues will more easily, efficiently be realized.

For more information about the conference, go to

The kickoff speaker for the conference was Ambassador Hugo Llorens of the US Embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He expressed great appreciation to the tens of thousands of individuals and thousands of groups involved in volunteer, humanitarian, and development efforts to support the people.

The first day of the conference was exactly what we have been looking for. We located many other individuals and organizations active in medical, educational, agricultural, and children's homes. The format of the conference encouraged a lot of interaction allowing identification of who has what experience over the broad range of developments.

After the sessions we were able to spend about an hour in discussions with Adolfo Leon, who has responsibility for the Community Health Evangelism program across all of Honduras. His insight regarding the effectiveness of different approaches to development will be helpful to the Foundation as we consider possible new directions in the coming year.

For those of you who have sweated through our summer trips to Honduras, you'll be surprised to know that the conference center today was air conditioned. Roxanne was actually cold enough to return to the room to gather up sweaters so we wouldn't all be freeze-dried by the end of the day.

More tomorrow.
