Wednesday, January 23, 2008

From Roxanne to our supporters

Hola hermanos y hermanas,
May you feel the joy that we all feel today. Thank you for your support which enables us to be here representing all of you. As always, the joy of the Lord is present here at the Agape Church. We have enjoyed worship, fellowship, meals and today, an excursion with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The VBS reached over 200 children and was a wonderful experience for all. What a joy to see teenagers in our Agape Promise program leading the programs telling children about our Lord and Savior. It is these same children who have grown in their love of Christ and have gained confidence as they succeed in secondary school and are serving others.
The clinic is busy with patients visiting Doctora Elsa, and many coming for vision exams and lenses. We are averaging 60 exams a day.
The construction of the sanitation facilities in Jicaro are progressing thanks to me as I have not lifted a shovel or a block there thus far....but God has provided willing and able men to assist.
May God bless you this day and He is most assurdely blessing me.
Your sister in Christ, Roxanne


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Roxanne, for the update. Those of us "back home" are grateful for what you all are doing and ask that you pass along to the other members of the team that we pray for them daily as they serve Christ in Q town and the surrounding area.
grace and peace,

Anonymous said...

What an answer to prayer to see that VBS was so successful and that these precious children are hiding the Word of God in there hearts! God bless all of you!

love and miss you,